insights on venture debt

Insights on venture debt.

Category: Thought Leadership

3 SaaS Market Trends for 2019, and How Venture Debt Factors Into Them

The SaaS industry saw some serious growth in 2018. While businesses have been using SaaS platforms for years, more and more have been adopting and implementing SaaS applications as key components of their business operations — so much so that cloud infrastructure platforms such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services, the cloud-based foundations of …Read More

The Risks of a Personal Guarantee Agreement

A final loan condition we wanted to cover is the use of personal guarantees in raising capital. A personal guarantee agreement isn’t something you’ll often find in the venture debt financing sphere, but you might be asked to sign one if you pursue other forms of financing. Specifically, bank loans and other lenders may require …Read More

The Risks of Venture Capital Funding for Growing SaaS Companies

Venture Capital Can Pose a Productivity Challenge While venture capital funding (along with other models) provides resources that allow you to make improvements or changes, it’s not guaranteed that your SaaS business will become more productive as a result. In fact, raising venture capital funding can often have the reverse effect: when those funds come …Read More

What You Should Know About Raising Venture Capital

SaaS business owners are often drawn to venture capital investors without considering other funding options. There are a number of reasons for this. The sheer popularity of venture capital, the perception that VC funding will make a company successful, the higher appetite for risk, and so on. In the end, SaaS owners are trading important …Read More