Insights on venture debt.
Category: Thought Leadership
Want to Increase Your SaaS User Adoption? Here Are 3 Recommendations
The SaaS industry has grown exponentially over the past few years, and it’s expected to continue doing so throughout 2019. But growth doesn’t necessarily equate to complete SaaS user adoption — a metric that must be carefully monitored and analyzed on a frequent basis to ensure that all the new subscribers you’re bringing in are, …Read More
Benefits of Using Venture Debt to Finance Growth
We recently explored how to approach entering new revenue segments as well as the marketing channels that can be used to enter them. In each post, we discussed how venture debt financing plays a strategic role. Here, we’ll go more in-depth into specific benefits that can help you achieve your growth goals as you experiment …Read More
Which of These Three SaaS Marketing Channels Are You Focusing On?
Marketing is a broad discipline, and for SaaS, choosing the right SaaS marketing channels can be difficult. Here are some recommendations.
How to Identify the Best SaaS Revenue Segments to Successfully Scale Your Business
Ready for growth? Make sure you’re focusing on the right SaaS revenue segments so you don’t waste resources where there’s no demand or need.
Want to Grow? Focus on Your SaaS Go-to-Market Strategy
How is your SaaS go-to-market strategy performing? Here’s what you should know to ensure it’s successful as you seek to grow.
3 SaaS Market Trends for 2019, and How Venture Debt Factors Into Them
The SaaS industry saw some serious growth in 2018. While businesses have been using SaaS platforms for years, more and more have been adopting and implementing SaaS applications as key components of their business operations — so much so that cloud infrastructure platforms such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services, the cloud-based foundations of …Read More
The Risks of a Personal Guarantee Agreement
A final loan condition we wanted to cover is the use of personal guarantees in raising capital. A personal guarantee agreement isn’t something you’ll often find in the venture debt financing sphere, but you might be asked to sign one if you pursue other forms of financing. Specifically, bank loans and other lenders may require …Read More
The Debt Covenant: Is This Mechanism Right for Your Business?
There are many terms and financial mechanisms involved in venture debt financing, one of which is a debt covenant. This is one of the loan conditions you may be required to accept to receive venture debt financing. At first, this might give you pause — but a debt covenant is less of a risk to …Read More
Debt Warrants — Everything You Should Know
Warrants are a useful mechanism for incentivizing lenders to invest in your business. But they come with immediate and long-term considerations.
Warrants, Covenants & Guarantees: Understanding Important Loan Conditions
Why Loan Conditions Are Needed Venture debt financing is one of the most flexible, founder-empowering forms of SaaS funding available on the market. While a number of other options are available, debt financing stands above the rest when it comes to keeping founders and owners operationally and strategically free. This is because of the flexible …Read More